The Scientific Committee of IAPSMCON 2024 welcomes the submission of abstracts of research work for oral or poster presentations during the conference. Submissions are invited for the topics listed in the sub-themes. Best paper will be selected and awarded for oral and poster presentations.

Abstract Guidelines

All abstract submissions should have a precise and informative title. Kindly avoid any type of abbreviations in the title.
The title should be followed by the names of all the authors of the Study, their Designations, Affiliated Institutes, Email id, and Contact details.
Abstracts should be structured with the subheadings : Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion along with 5 relevant keywords.
The abstract should be limited to a maximum of 300 words.
There is no provision for any type of images/diagrams/pictures/graphics/tables in the abstract.
There is no restriction on the type of font and size.
Abstract submission is now closed